In order to create my magazine I used a range of different programmes and technology. I will list these below:
- Gmail
- Blogger
- Slideshare
- Powerpoint
- Prezzi
- Thinglink
- Powtoon
- Lumix Camera
- Tripod
- Memory Card
- Memory Card Readers
- Studio Light Setup
- Adobe Elements 11
The Gmail account was vital to the creation of my magazine. Without it, I would have been unable to join sites such as Blogger, Slideshare, or Prezzi and would therefore have been unable to complete my research on existing magazines, and thus by extension the pages of the magazine itself due to a lack of knowledge and research into existing products and code and conventions.

I used Blogger as a means of communicating my research and constructions. If I were creating my magazine for a media institution I would have used Blogger to build and communicate with my audience, asking them for feedback and input so the magazine was more suited to what they wanted. However, as this was not the case, I used this platform to keep a record of all my work.
Platforms such as Prezzi, Thinglink, Powtoon, and Slideshare allowed me to present

my research and planning in ways that allowed me to develop them further than the standard text and screengrab method. I did use this method at times though, and I found it to be useful, as it allowed me to structure my research and planning in a way that was familiar to me making interpreting my research later a more streamlined process.
When it came to shooting the photos for my magazine I used a Lumix Camera, Memory Card, and a Tripod for the location shoot. I used this set up for the studio shoot, and added a lighting set up to enable the photos to be correctly lit. The standard of the equipment enabled me to get the high quality of shots required for the magazine, and I was very happy with the results.
During the editing process I used Adobe Elements 11 to create my magazine. I edited the photos

using the spot healing tool to remove any blemishes on my subjects skin. This was a fantastic tool, that enabled me to significantly improve the quality of my photos by not only removing blemishes from my subjects skin, but also by allowing me to remove any leaves on the DPS that clashed with the rest of the image, and by allowing me to erase an unwanted design on the front of my Taiko player's shirt, all of which gave my images a more tidy and professional look.

As well as this, I also used the gradient tool to create the pink fade on the DPS. This was a great tool for me, as it allowed the text on my DPS to be seen (as this was something I was struggling with), whilst still allowing the background behind it to be seen as well. I was very conscious of loosing the entirety of that side of the image to a wall of solid colour, so the gradient tool was the ideal solution, as it allowed my to blend the two backgrounds together to create a successful effect. I also used the opacity tool to fade the Also Inside box on the Front Cover to create a similar effect for the same reason, however I wanted the box to sit on top of the image as apposed to blending in to it, which is why I went for this tool on this occasion.
Being able to use the colour picking tool to lift the shade of pink from my models lipstick turned out

to be a vital part in the development of magazine, as it enabled me to create a strong sense synergy and a brand identity throughout my magazine. I found this tool incredibly useful as it enabled me to capture the exact colour I wanted, leaving no room for slight discrepancies which could have ruined the brand identity and synergy. It was also very simple to use, as it enabled me to use the colours in any way I wanted, simply by clicking on the colour I wanted.

The shape tool was vitally important to the creation of my magazine, as it enabled me to create puffs and banners to advertise free giveaways, my magazine's website, and my subscription section all in my magazine, which was vital for following well established conventions.
Much like the shape tool, the text tool was vital to the creation of my magazine, as without it I would not have been able to input any text onto my pages which is essential for a magazine. It allowed m

e to manipulate my text easily, so I could place it anywhere on my pages, in any style, font, or size, allowing me to either adhere to or break conventions of particular sections.